Exploring / Basic Digital Photography
Who is this class for?
Anyone with a camera, who wants to learn more about their equipment and what it can do. The class covers how a camera operates, and the fundamentals of photography. Here's what you will learn:
What do all those knobs and buttons do, and what the heck is an F-stop? Choosing the right focus modes for still or moving subjects
Control depth of field (and get that nice background blur)
Control motion blur and camera shake
Choosing the best ISO
Why and how to read your histogram
Should you shoot RAW or JPEG and why?
10 quick tips to improve your photography
The secret to getting tack sharp photos
Tripod, Flashes, and Lenses...Oh my!
Photographing Flowers and landscapes
Photographing Kids
Photographing Sports (hint...it ain't cheap)
Making people look their best
What should you bring?
Your camera (bet you didn't see that one coming!)
Flashes and tripods are welcomed and encouraged
A sense of humor, because we are gonna have some fun
Your camera manual. Although cameras all function on the same basic principles, menus, and button locations are different from model to model.
Pre-Class Assignment...At a minimum please practice setting your shutter speed, aperture, and ISO before class.
What's included?
Workbook with the class materials